A happy post!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
not all my posts are sad ok!
i'm very amazed at how my love for you gets stronger as time goes by and i feel really happy and glad.
its like our relationship is maturing, its not so sugar coated as it was but it feels even better and i dont know why. LIKE OBLISSFUL!
even though there are unhappy times but i feel that they are essential for a relationship to be healthy and growing. whats happiness without its opposite anyway?
so be glad we can actually feel unhappiness baby, or else happiness would mean nothing to the heart.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
hey hey hey what happened? can you tell me whats on your mind?
its definitely something i need to know and you promised that you'll share everything that i need to know
dont keep quiet
Friday, November 13, 2009
Just stumbled upon a webpage that ranks laptop brands
1st Tier: Sony,Lenovo,HP
2nd Tier: Apple, Dell
3rd Tier: Fujitsu*, Gateway, NEC*, Panasonic*, Phillips*, Sharp*
4th Tier: Acer, Asus, Benq*, Toshiba
This depends on what you want out of your laptop and what part of the world you live in. HP, Lenovo, and Sony offer the best reliability, battery, and build quality, although they are often criticized for their high price. These brands are at the high end of the market and are standard for international business travelers where there is little room for compromise.
ok point noted.
i'll do anything that makes you happy and comfortable
Sunday, November 1, 2009
i wonder why human beings feel bad when rejected so i googled it, this is what i found on wikipedia
Although humans are social beings, some level of rejection is an inevitable part of life. Nevertheless, rejection can become a problem when it is prolonged or consistent, when the relationship is important, or when the individual is highly sensitive to rejection.
Rejection is emotionally painful because of the social nature of human beings and our basic need to be accepted.
According to Maslow, all humans, even introverts, need to be able to give and receive affection to be psychologically healthy.
Psychologists believe that simple contact or social interaction with others is not enough to fulfill this need. Instead, people have a strong motivational drive to form and maintain caring interpersonal relationships. People need both stable relationships and satisfying interactions with the people in those relationships.
not all the info are quoted here, so if you wanna know more just wiki social rejection! wow blogging in nct style man