Sunday, July 6, 2008
ok that was just a mimic of what edvwin had on his blog a while ago =x
ok finally i got my g900.. well its kinda cool.. and the auntie who sold it to me was totally cool. she gave me a discount price and i 'bought' the nokia 5610 on paperwork. kinda interesting, cos they actually had to sell all the phones at fixed price but then she gave me a discount so she had to change the phone model to suit the price that she sold the phone.
and the packages of handphones are getting better. the standard package of a g900 has a 1gb memory stick and a bluetooth headset. i had to pay extra for all these when i bought my last phone.. or am i outdated? =S hope not!
ok and the catia thing is kinda solved cos i got the same version as the school's one. but its damn boring.. and troublesome. the textbook sux la, i cant believe it got published. there are typo errors and even grammar errors. the instructions are not even clear, it assumes that you know what the author already knows. i had to figure alot of stuff out by myself, dammit. stupid book waste my money !@#$%!#!